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Design Doctor 001 - #MillennialProblems101 [POSTPONED]


The Millennial Generation has been described as a generation that values purposeful and meaningful work, but it also been negatively stereotyped by the older generations. Join us at the launch of our new event series, Design Doctor, hosted at The Alcove, SMU School of Information Systems Basement 1 on 15 Jan 2020 (Wednesday).

Design Doctor is about coming together as a community to surface and "diagnose" problems in our society and try to come up with actionable ways that we can take to "treat" the problems together.

For the first session of the series, we will talk about what we as the Millennial Generation can do to deal with issues of work culture, choosing between corporates and startups, and looking at how we can tackle some of society's issues as a generation. Panelists include SMU alumna Denise Lim (BBM & BSocSc 2009), who is currently the Incubation Head of Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, SMU.

Start your 2020 with new perspectives and join us at the first Design Doctor event in partnership with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Alumni Association to participate in a dialogue on problems facing the Millennial Generation at the workplace. Sign up below!
